Sponge Cupcakes (Hongkong Style Cake)

It supposed to bake this into paper wrapped style, but I was too lazy to do it and baked it just in normal cupcake size. The cake is soft and very light.

Source : Chendawati - 500 Resep Kue & Masakan Koleksi Kursus Masak Ny Liem

105 gr Egg yolks
40 gr Sugar (original 50 gr)
60 gr Milk
50 gr Oil
100 gr Cake flour
1 tsp  Baking powder
1 tsp  Vanilla extract
pinch of salt

175 gr Egg whites
1/2 tsp Cream of tartar
50 gr Sugar (original 80 gr)

- Preheat oven at 180C
- Mix all the A ingredients in a large bowl and whisk well. Set aside
- Beat egg whites, cream of tartar until the bubbles appear, add sugar and beat till stiff peak.
- Fold half portion of egg whites to egg yolks until blend well. Then pour back the batter to the remaining egg whites, fold until well incorporated.
- Spoon batter into the cupcakes mould upto 80% full.
- Bake for 20 mins or till golden brown.


  1. DG, I see that your cupcakes did not crack and the texture looks good! May I know approximately how many eggs did you use. I'm trying to avoid weighing the eggs :)

    1. Hi Phong Hong,
      Sorry for my late reply, this will be around 6 egg yolks and 5 egg whites. (medium size eggs) The recipe is actually baked in paper wrapped (just like the one selling in the chinese pastry shop), but I was too lazy to do that.

  2. Sis Doris, knp punyaku bisa bantet ya? Apakah bahan A dan B di mixer atau hanya dicampur bgt saja? Thx Sis

  3. Sis Doris, kenapa hasil yang saya buat bisa bantet ya. Hasil dari Sis bagus banget. Apakah bahan A juga di mixer atau hanya diaduk tangan. Trus minyaknya pake minyak makan ya? Thanks ya, Sis

    1. Hi Olivia,
      Sorry ya baru bisa balas sekarang. Ya, untuk bahan A, saya pake mixer kocoknya, sampai kental, tapi ngga usah lama, sekitar (5-10 menit). Minyak = minyak makan, minyak sayur.
      Terus penyampuran 1/2 adonan putih ke adonan kuning sampe rata, baru masukkan lagi kembali ke sisa adonan putih. Aduk jangan kelamaan dan pelan pelan ya.
      Semoga kali ke dua berhasil ya.

  4. sis doriz, tanya ya 105 gram telur kuning itu blm butir telur ya?

    1. Hi Vivi, sorry for the late reply ya. Wah itu tergantung size telur ya. Kalo telur kecil mungkin 105 gram kira2x 6-7 butir kuning telur. Kalo putih telurnya 175 gram kira2x 5-6 putih telur.
